ok im back to normal even though hv a drama yesterday between me n MIL. huhuhu sensetip okeh.
here i attached the.... (ayat rutin every week when email the CF to ED hehehe) ok the pic of food that nice ... yummy... n i suggest the reader to go n try it by ur self. (fully recommended by me n my hubby)

mee rebus ramli @ ipoh town

andthe best coconut shake in melaka - u can get it at jln klebang. near firefly kinder-garden (wahh mcm la glamer sgt tadika dina) if u come around peak hour u hv to Q at least 10 - 15 minutes to get 1 cup of coconut shake. so better dtg awal dtg lmbt (tu pon klu ade lg la that coco-shake itu)

tp nk mkn ni pon kne beratur jugak klu peak hour.
tmpt ni kt blakang2 kedai so dun aspect its a proper restaurant. it just a satey-stall.

ok i dun like the mee udang taste. but its the way its cooked. its not pedas but the prawn is so sweet. asyik bangat mkn udang. las2 kami habiskn udang je. yg lain2 kami tinggalkn. hehehe.
i cant wait for our next vacation and honeymoon "wink" "wink"
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