im so not updated person especially about the drama melayu. right now i followed the mertua vs menantu season 1 drama at astro prima every monday - friday 8pm (ulangan je yek)
maybe during the 1st season im not married so i dont have a mertua yet.
and right now i hv it already :D ngee..

yeah not all the mertua is same like in the tv but it still exist in this modern world. luckily im not married with a somebody who came from rich and formal family. my FIL is a policeman and my MIL is a housewife. his father is so caring and he is a good mechanic and his mother is not working.
opps his sister got 7As 2Bs in spm. quite terer rite?
until now i still trying to accept my MIL even its not sepenuh hati yet but i try okey.
then what should i do when the MIL said its ok if her son want to sambung his kerja at Riyadh until next 6 months or next year. bukannye lama sgt pon. alah.. sabarlah. keje kt sna dpat byk sikit gaji.
if u (the reader) at my side. wut should u do?
a: meraung sambil hentak2 kaki ckp tak nakkkk i want my hubby rite now and terus tempah tiket nk pg sna. i suggest naik ethitad okeh for better service.
b: buat sekali jelingan tajam to ur MIL n terus buat muke 14
c: tepuk tangan tanda gembira sb ur husband akan balik lg lmbt dr skrang n thats mean u' re now bujang kembali.
d: diam. senyum. buat mcm xde pape. tp...... bile die dh balik terus kol ur hubby and luahkan semua sambil baling sume bantal yg ade atas katil and menangis sampai agak2 pening kepala and tomorrow kne mekap mata cantik2 agar ur opis mate x perasan yg mata u bengkak.
..........................................................................................................................................i choose