insya allah on the 11th we will meet again. :) suke2
its 4 months without him by my side. sangat sunyi.
4 months is like 4 years.
when i post to his fb wall that "im craving for lamb chop. sile balik cepat "
the feedback that i got is:
from akak : are you pregnant? congrats dear.
from my opis mate : weh ko dueorg ni mcm org tgh bercinta plk.
from cousins : sile balanje kami.
the pregnant thing sangat kelakar okey. how can im getting pregnant if my hubby is not here with me for a past 4 months.
berchenta ? of coz we're still in berchenta mode. and we like it. sometimes we still thinking that we like young ppl who just know whats is love. dan kami sangat2 dilamun cinta. :)
balanje? yes all darlings of course. do pray for us dimurahkan rezeki.
erm 6 days until he back to me :)